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The 4 Pillars of Relations: Our Relation with ourselves (Identity)

Writer's picture: Marilu MeiringMarilu Meiring

When the disciples asked Jesus about the most important commandments, He replied that the foundation of the rest of the commandments are “Love God with all of your heart, mind and soul, and to love others like you love yourself”. Loving yourself not as the world loves, but as God loves…obviously. 

People have missed that they need to love themselves. Again, not in the 2 Timothy 3:2 way of being lovers of themselves in a boastful, arrogant, proud, abusive, selfish, unholy way, no! In fact, actually just the opposite. In a humble, honest, unpretentious, kind, gentle, peaceful and wise way. This happens automatically when your first pillar (Relationship / Sonship with God) is healthy. 

We don’t have to look too far to see the onslaught on people’s identity today and how much of this agenda is targeted in the vulnerable areas of childhood years. You have to ask yourself WHY? 

Identity breeds purpose. Purpose activates grace and anointing. This ushers in God’s Will in this world. Philippians 4:13 explains that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. When seeking out the deeper meaning of this scripture, we see that it refers to the things I have been called to do, and does not refer to the things that I want to do outside of what God called me to do. We see this with David, that he wanted to build the Temple, but God explained that He was called for battle and therefore this was not his calling. The calling was for David’s son, Solomon to do so. David was strengthened to fight a bear and a lion and a giant and many more battles, but not to build the Temple. 

To love others, you also need to be at a place where your body, soul and spirit is in alignment with Abba and the Will He has for you. In our wellness business, we consult many clients who have no idea how to take care of their physical body (temple of the Holy Spirit). It is one of the biggest “gaps” where the enemy comes and destroys the lives of people. If we don’t know what is right for us, how will we know what is wrong for us?

When we do not understand how this vehicle called “body” works, we miss out on so much of what Abba wants to communicate to us. As it is written, Christ is the head and we are His body, as a husband is the head and the wife is the body. Not understanding the body, would put you in a place where you can completely miss the wondrous insight these scriptures share with us. 

Let me explain. If the husband is the head, he is the brain. That makes him responsible for thinking, taste, touch , sight, smell and hearing. If the wife is the body, she is the heart, which makes her responsible for feeling, following and doing. These two are combined as the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system that works together to fulfill different and complementary and supporting functions. There are so many examples in scripture that when we understand our biological physiology, we would have a completely different understanding of what scripture is saying. Similarly, if we actually understood how powerful, capable and perfectly our bodies have been designed, we would not be satisfied with mediocre health, currently being the norm in our world. Our bodies are fully capable of healing itself (from any disease).

We are designed with a built in capacity and ability to heal pretty fast, given that we take care of ourselves the way God intended for us to. With thoughts and words of kindness, gentleness, love and peace over ourselves. Remaining in a place where we truly carry the mind of Christ. In this day and age we also need additional discernment of what we put into our bodies physically and mentally in order to not toxify it. With the amount of toxins, metals and foreign substances going into our bodies, we are just not living optimally the way God intended for us. I’m so passionate about seeing people break away out of the molds of the last couple of generations when it comes to health. When that happens you can see how someone is lit up from the inside out. 

I want to encourage you to spend time with Abba and ask him where in your natural life can you improve and love yourself more with good food, good mindsets and good company. 

And don’t do it for yourself. Do it as a praise offer to the One who created you as a Thank You for giving you this life and trusting you to steward this one body He gave you in reverence to the God who graced you with this rented vehicle. The way we love and respect our bodies is the exact way we will love others, and they do deserve to be loved. It is a commandment from God.

Until next time,


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