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The 4 Pillars of Relations - Our Relation with others (Influence)

Writer's picture: Marilu MeiringMarilu Meiring

In 2007, the movie called ‘Into the Wild’ was released. It is a true story of Chris McCandless who embarks on an adventurous quest to find himself. What an incredible display of the searching and questioning that we all go through. The conclusion is summed up right at the end when he writes ‘Happiness is only real when shared’. It is important that we understand that part of our design is to be connected to others. It allows for the joy, love and peace that ABBA pours into our lives to overflow into others as well. 

We are here to be Kingdom citizens on earth and to usher His Kingdom in right here, right now. We are the conduits through which all of ABBA’s riches can flow into this world. This is how we rule and reign with God. Not for our own glory or consumption but as stewards and influencers of a world that is desperately hungry and desperately seeking for truth and answers to deeper questions.

The book of Ephesians unpacks this process beautifully, firstly clarifying our identity and who we are in Christ. It explains that we are co-heirs of the covenant made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and that we (gentiles) form part of the house that Jesus is the cornerstone of (1st Pillar) and that we are now sons and daughters of the King (2nd Pillar). Therefore being dressed and equipped with the armour of God, we can be able to stand in peace - and we can remain standing! Why is this important? Because we are here to not be moved by the chaos this world offers, but to remain in peace so that we can offer peace to those around us. We are here to quiet the storms as Jesus did.

A practical example is when you are faced with people that have done you wrong. In the world (carnal system), you would have all the right to be mad and wanting to turn your back. That is not what God asks, as Matthew 5:9 reads, blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. You might not have started it, but you are called to finish it. He calls us to take dominion. Not over people, but over the principalities and darkness that is presented (operating possibly through other people). 

We are here to clean up. We are called to be the light, which means we are here to bring clarity and sight. We are called to be the salt. Salt does not have value on its own, but when used in food, it brings out the flavour of what it is mixed with. We are supposed to bring out the best in others especially when they have lost their flavour. We therefore remain standing. Not out of obligation, but out of love. 

Knowing we are loved. Knowing we lack nothing and that we are already overcomers in Christ, we can offer our enemies peace, blessings, love and kindness. (Where they most probably have never known this before). Not because they deserve it, but because we are smitten with Jesus. 

Our eyes are always fixed on Him. 

I want to share with you that there is nothing more powerful than love. It is a strength and not a weakness. And Love has a name, He’s name is Jesus. In John 3:17 it explains that God did not even send his own son to come to earth to condemn people, but to be saved through Him, by Loving them into salvation. We are here to love people into salvation and righteousness, not condemn them. 

I once had a conversation with my kids about how we change the world, and used this very elementary explanation:  If you had a circle of red paint (that represented hate/sin/anger etc) and you had a circle of yellow paint (that represented joy/peace/love etc). How would you change the red to yellow?

You would start mixing the colours. Yes, initially it might seem that there is no difference and yes, it would first look like it is turning out a completely different colour, but when you keep adding yellow to that spot, pouring more and more yellow, regardless of red being red, it will change to yellow. We remain standing in who we are, not by our own strength, but through the love, kindness and joy God gives us first. (Another reason why being connected to the vine is firstly what we need to have in place so that His love can flow to us and through us).

When you are a person who can freely give and receive, you are also open to others to support you when you are in a place of needing additional input. In our modern world, we are conditioned to believe that we are on our own and we need to be everything for ourselves. Speaking from my own experience, I know what it feels like when I am pressured to be a mother, a father, a provider, a nurturer, a caregiver, a protector, and educator, a doctor, a chef, a taxi driver, a judge, an entrepreneur, a business owner, a counselor, a supporter, a friend, a female, a woman, a daughter and the list continues…

It is not humanly possible to sustain such a life to be everything. We are not created to only rely on ourselves. Yes, we rely on God, but God also created us to rely on our community and support structure. The modern world has created such rushed lives and divides, that it gets harder to maintain. What is interesting is that in the armor of God, there is no protection for your back…

There are 2 reasons for this:We are never to turn away and run and secondly, (and this is so well exemplified in the movie ‘300’ where the Spartans are fighting together as one) we are to have each other’s backs.

It is said that we are the collective of the 5 - 6 people we spend most of our time with. When you are selecting your circle of influence, ensure that these are people that will have your back no matter what. People you know pray for you, encourage you, bring the best out of you and when needed, can correct you, in order for you to walk more steadily in your purpose. 

It is however important to remember that relationships with others is a two way street. There is an exchange that happens at each moment invested. Mentorship, Leadership, Friendship and support at the essence of it. We, together, form the body of Christ. We don’t have to do the same thing, or even have the same purpose, but working together we form a healthy fully functioning body. When you find a person who does not understand the importance of a healthy relationship, it can become cancerous and not being treated immediately, that cancer can spread. This is why even scripture is so specific that even before you are about to take communion, if you have not made it right with your neighbour, put all things down and go make it right first. 

Relationships with others is our 3rd Pillar, following the order of first being in relationship with the Trinity, then with yourself (understanding your identity). From this place it flows into healthy relationships with others. Loving our neighbours like we love ourselves.

Till next time,


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