In the 1994 Collins Dictionary when you look up the word NATURE, it reads “a whole system of the existence, forces and events of the physical world that are not controlled by human beings”.
Currently in today’s world, the oxford Dictionary reads “the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations”.
This means that within a 20 year span, the world has decided that human beings are not actually part of nature.
Does this not make you question why there is a silent agenda of slow conditioning towards a disconnect to nature that exists. Why would that be?
In the beginning God made man in His image, and He took the soil from this earth (nature) and created us (part of nature) to steward this planet (nature). He also created nature to nourish us and everything that we need and would need for any situation and season was built into the design of nature. Our nourishment and support comes from nature and we need to steward it well. Not just for the benefit of our planet, but for the benefit of our bodies (His temple) and wellbeing. We live symbiotically with God's creation, not separate. Being part of nature, our bodies and wellbeing flourish when nature flourish around us. We deteriorate when it doesn't.
The enemy hates us. Why? Because we are favoured by God. He does not care about us at all and his sole purpose is to disconnect us from every relationship (self, others, nature...). His ultimate goal would be to disconnect us from our relationship with ABBA, but he doesn’t start there. He starts in the physical realm. If we are disconnected from nature, we will look for aid and support in Pharmakeia. We won’t question our sources of food. We won’t notice the difference in water and air quality as it deteriorates by 0.01% a month. Why would he do that?
Well the battle is for your mind - your thoughts, emotions, free will and decision-making. Your spirit is sealed off by the blood of Christ and in spirit we are already sitting in heavenly places. It is our mind that is the enemy wants to take captive. Because through the mind we speak and create. We have been given the mind of Christ and through sanctification, we walk to become more like Him. There is one factor that directly affects our minds and that is our environment. We have an external environment and an internal environment. Both are a part of nature. Both can influence us to either grow in our relations or shrink away from our relations.
My personal testimony of this is at the end of 2018, I reached a point in my past marriage where I started to think “I’m damned if I do and I'm damned if I don’t”. This was a pinnacle point of entry for the biggest oppression I was to experience. Coupled with a toxic marriage, I had 2 babies under 2, was dangerously sleep deprived, my adrenals were finished and daily I was just surviving one step at a time and my gut health was completely out. All of this led to what was labeled - depression. The worst for me was the brain fog. I could not finish sentences. I could not feel emotions, although at any point of time if you would have to hug me, I would just sob. If I look back now, I understand that the enemy was attacking me in my total being - physical (body), mind and spirit. Today, I thank God for the healing and restoration that HE brought about within me!
Why I’m sharing this story is, I was not an effective ambassador for the Kingdom of ABBA at that time. He has however worked it all out for the good now, but at the time, I could not even be effective as a mother, friend, or even human being. Knowing this, I can see how the enemy disrupts our physical bodies with elements that are not natural. Metals and Neurotoxins that affect our pineal glands and other hormone glands. GMO, pesticides, sugar and refined foods that disrupts our gut, creating high levels of inflammation which in itself then disrupts our hormones. Our hormones (endocrine system), gut (digestive system) and brain (neuro system) have direct influence over your thoughts. If those things are disrupted, guess what happens to your MIND! Scripture says that we need to guard our hearts. Hearts also mean our subconscious mind. By choosing to not follow mainstream nutrition, you are guarding your heart as you are not allowing the enemy an open backdoor into your MIND.
One day I was listening to a song that explains how nature even shouts out praise to God. That nature was designed to give God glory. My heart broke right there. For decades we as the human species have done major damage to nature. Genetically modifying plants. When we alter God’s design, the first thing that will go, is their ability to glorify God. Every plant has a frequency. There is music technology that exists, where it monitors electrical signals between one part of the plant and another part of the plant. From there they run the signals through patented sonification technology. What you get on the other side is music. The most heavenly music, made by plants.
Hearing is frequency waves that are registered by your brain and then translated into sound. As humans we have a certain range of frequency waves that we can hear and others that we can’t (like dog whistles). It doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. It just means we can’t hear them. We can’t hear it, but nature is in constant worship to God, and it broke my heart that through our complete ignorance, we are restricting even nature to worship by interfering and modifying genetics, poisonous sprays and electromagnetic frequency outputs to name a few.
When we are disconnected to nature, we are lost when it comes to taking care of God’s temple.
In this I want to highlight the difference between ‘the flesh’ and ‘our bodies’. Although our bodies are flesh, scripture is very clear that our bodies are the temple of God. When it refers to ‘flesh’, it refers to a carnal way of thinking. There is also a difference between ‘the world’ and ‘the earth’. When scripture refers to ‘this world’ it doesn’t refer to the planet, it refers to a carnal system that ultimately worships the enemy and is for our destruction. The earth is nature - God’s creation - and we need to be responsible in stewarding the earth and its resources. In fact, I do believe God is going to ask what we did to keep the earth safe from this world. By keeping God’s temple (body) clean from the flesh (carnal mind).
In 3 John 1:2 it says (NKJV): "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." Our minds need to prosper as all other aspects of prospering (health, relationships etc) will follow when we have a sound mind.
As we get to the end of this series, I want to conclude by encouraging you to remain connected at all times to ABBA father, through Jesus and Holy Spirit. To constantly renew your mind with His Word (truth) to understand your true, valuable and Kingdom Identity in Christ. This way you will be able to step into your calling (of great influence in other people's lives and in ABBA's kingdom) and wisely take up your responsibility (to steward and guard God’s beautiful creation). The enemy will try to stop you, but you have authority over darkness, so stand therefore in peace and be the light and the salt of the earth.