Hi I’m Marilu Meiring! I thought of using my first blog post to kindly introduce myself to you. There is something comforting about knowing & trusting the source from which you are learning about wellness - someone who has walked a journey with it and can share from personal experience making it real and authentic!
When you ask me about my relationship with Jesus (or Yeshua in Hebrew), I would explain it is real. I have been mad at times, and yes, I have wrestled with God. I have walked away more than once and yes, He has, every-time, guided me back into His unfailing love and comforting arms. My walk and passion for wellness is one that is intertwined with Him and it is from this place that I share insights and teaching with others.
Inherently, since a young age, I always knew that I had to follow my calling. However, looking back, I realised that my identity as a youngster was muddled and confused for a very long time. I had no idea what I wanted to study after school, let alone what I wanted to do with my life. Nothing stood out to me as worth pursuing for life. This resulted in me chasing party after party in my early twenties. This is not a life constructing strategy when you are naturally adventurous, determined and someone that others like to follow. I was just thinking today again how even those strobe lights, smoke machines and dancing on the speaker days, God worked out for good! I can with 100% certainty teach what wellness is NOT!
The next phase of my life swung towards extreme fitness as I pushed myself in Triathlon races. Everything was a scientific calculation towards progress and success. In 2009, I finished the SA Ironman race (3,8km swim, 180km cycle, 42km run) and realized I wanted to inspire others in the area of fitness and wellness as a means to push their own mental and spiritual barriers. Yes, at the ripe age of 30, my calling started to be revealed to me. Let this be comfort to my fellow “late bloomers” who might feel you have missed the bus or that you are too old for whatever… Age is a worldy principle where calling is from the Kingdom of God - his thoughts are not our thoughts and his timing is perfect! Working alongside phenomenal trainers and wellness coaches, I learned about the holistic aspects that need to be considered for optimal wellness. Not just the basics of eating, exercise and sleeping. Even your thinking, your environment as well as your DNA and the company you keep influence your wellness.
I do believe that Wellness is a God-given concept, but the world has had an early adoption to its practices as you see a lot of sticky Eastern and New Age fingers on the subject. God's Grace is sufficient! I started to read scripture in ways that would open up supernatural thinking processes. In 2010, God spoke to me about the biggest and only true anti-aging remedy… And if you didn’t know, it is Jesus (Yeshua)! More about this later…keep an eye out for future blog posts! The enemy tries to rob us from the kind of wellness that God has ordained for us and we have become estranged to wellness from God’s perspective.
During the next decade, I walked, learned, consulted with God, made notes, questioned, explored, studied, tested and tested some more… everything that was being revealed to me. The more I discovered answers, the more I found myself with deeper questions. And with each breakthrough, there was a test. With every claim or opinion I took on, I was placed under refining fire.
Mid 2018, our farm almost burned down. This story is a testimony of supernatural favour and one I would love to share at a later stage, but in the midst of facing this gigantic force of darkness, I experienced for the first time what it felt like to be present in body, soul and spirit. Fully surrendered to God, we got through it, unscratched, unharmed and unaffected. Praise God! Again, life works through Triune spheres ([physical / natural / body] / [soul / mind / emotional / consciousness] / [spiritual]). And for those of you who have not heard the term, the bible also refers to these facets of our being in 1 Thes 5:23. “May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
This fire was a time of preparation. At the end of 2018 / beginning 2019, depression hit me hard and I was stuck in a nowhere land encapsulated in a state of time warp. I suffered in silence.
I am the kind of person who chooses not to use medication and prefers not taking any pharmaceuticals. Especially pain medication can make you feel drowsy and numb, but I got to a point where the idea of numbing out the emotion that was caused by the toxic marriage I found myself in, was needed to get me to a point of semi-clarity to at least start to take small steps towards my healing. After kicking against anti-depressants for a long time, I finally gave in (for a short-term period). My thought process was, “if I can just start by getting some mental clarity…”
This healing process, again entailed the Triune being of body, soul and spirit and in each of these, with God’s Grace, I started to make incremental progress. During this time God gave me a vision. A vision of being on a battlefield. I saw myself as Jesus's bride, a queen. A Warrior! Like the Joan of Arc type of bride. My mission was to get back to my love on the other side of the universe. On my way, to help us as many as possible other women who are on the ground, feeling defeated. To help them up and turn them back on course. This calling has held my chin up during the deepest waters and supernaturally helped me breath underwater when the tides became too high.
In my life I have gone through parties and drugs, spiritually dark encounters, financial ruin, mental unwellness, spiritual confusions and physical pain - all which required endurance, trust and faithfulness in God. He protected through car crashes which should have killed me, wrestling with an all consuming raging roaring fire source of darkness (who could not pass the line drawn in the sand - I will share this testimony soon), He was with me through traveling and running over 500 kilometers through Argentina. He protected me during child births and had 2 tots under 2. He strengthened me through depression and divorce! All I can say is our God reigns and He is good! I am in love with Jesus (Yeshua) and everything about Him! I am passionate about His Kingdom and seeing people walk in His freedom - free in their physical health and mental wellness. Walking in their Kingdom Identity and passionately love our King!
Wellness Coaching for me is so much more than the Instagram pretty meals and toned abs we get with exercises daily. True Health, Healing and Restoration is about understanding, honouring and stepping into full alignment with Abba Father, your identity (relationship with self), your purpose (relation to others) and understanding our relation to God’s perfect design in nature.
I am excited for you to join me on this wonderful and ever learning expedition called Godly Wellness.