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Apple of His Eye: Ḥawwah


Dearest Eve, 


I hope you are just as excited as I am to embark on this journey to discover Abba’s blueprint for His daughters. Every part of this blog series will be devoted to a specific woman of Abba’s Kingdom. We will study her character to perceive how Abba sees her through His eyes.


We start our journey in Berěshith (Genesis) 2, here we see that Abba has already completed the Heavens and the Earth and all that is in it - except for the living and breathing creation. At this point only Adam is the living and breathing creation, who was made in Abba’s image to tend to the rest of Creation. In verse 18 we see Abba’s first intentional desire for us as mankind: “And יהוה Elohim said, “It is not good for the man to be alone, I am going to make a helper for him, as his counterpart.”


Abba wants us to be together! We cannot live life alone. He was intentional in His design when He created a HELPER and a COUNTERPART for Adam. So He created all living and breathing creatures from the ground - the same source He used to create Adam. Yet, this did not meet Abba’s requirements! 


So we see in verse 20: “But for the man there was not found a helper for him, as his counterpart. So יהוה Elohim caused a deep sleep to fall on the man, and he slept. And He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. And the rib which יהוה Elohim had taken from the man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And the man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one is called ‘woman,’ because she was taken out of man.”


Abba made a woman to meet His requirements! This was the last part of Creation He made and it was made because Abba thought that Creation needed ‘something’ to complete it. Take note fellow Eve that we were not ‘made’ out of the same substance that the other living creatures. We were formed out of a rib bone. This holds significance as it shows that each and every one of us has a place within the Kingdom - a specific place we fit in.


The Significance of being a Helper and Counterpart

You might think but why did Abba have those specific requirements? Surely some other creature He made could have fulfilled these roles - I mean there are millions of creatures on Earth. Abba had these specific requirements because He gave a heavy task to Adam - one He knew Adam would not have been able to fulfil alone. 


Therefore He had the requirement of a Helper. Now “helper” must not be mistaken for its ordinary description of “offering assistance to one in need” but one should rather delve deeper into the meaning by asking: ‘How does one help?’ Abba intended us as women to assist physically, through the work of our hands, emotionally, through feeling everything so deeply and spiritually, by gaining wisdom from spending time with the Father. We have the ability and capacity to help our Adams throughout life’s journey in all areas of life because that is how we were created. 


The Counterpart requirement was a very specific one for Abba. I believe He intended it not just in a physical way but also on an emotional level. Physically Abba wanted a woman to look similar to a man as stated in Berĕshith (Genesis) 1: “And Elohim created the man in His image, in the image of Elohim He created him – male and female He created them.”


Abba intended for us to look the way we do, because how we look is in essence how Abba looks. The emotional part of this requirement is that we should be able to feel deeply as a man does - if not deeper. No other creature has emotions like a human has, this was Abba’s intention to make sure that we as humans cannot find another counterpart in any other creature. 


Ḥawwah - her identity

Ḥawwah is the Hebrew word for “life”. How special it is to know that the very first woman’s name was connotated towards life - something that cannot be made or kept without Abba’s will.  Eves let's take a leap straight to Berĕshith (Genesis) 3:20 “And the man called his wife’s name Ḥawwah, because she became the mother of all living.”


Here we see the first woman receiving her identity. Now a lot has happened before this part of the story. Mankind has succumbed to sin and Abba has given us our punishment. However, note that the woman’s identity was not prescribed to what she had done in the past but to her purpose in the world. Her purpose remains to be a helper and counterpart - the very first of her kind - therefore she receives the title of ‘the mother of all living’. How assuring it is to see that Abba gave us an intentional identity within His Kingdom no matter how far we have strayed away from His divine plan.  


Ḥawwah’s flaw

You might be shocked by that heading, however, it is very intentional. Yes, we all have flaws! Whether we would like to admit it or not. Ḥawwah’s flaw can be seen in Berĕshith (Genesis) 3:6 “And the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, and she took of its fruit and ate. And she also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.”


Ḥawwah was deceived by the Serpent’s words before she looked and saw what he meant and then eventually decided she believed him. Her decision had dire consequences on her and her husband and now on all humankind. 


Are some of us not like Ḥawwah? Are we not quick to listen to something we perceive as true by the way it looks on the surface. It might be desirable on the outside but are we willing to stick around and see what lies deeper? To taste the ‘fruits’ of it? And to eventually involve others if we think it is good? I believe a few of you have now thought of a scenario or two as you read those prior sentences…


Dearest Eve, just because something looks desirable doesn't mean that it is the truth. We should pray for discernment in order to know what is Abbas’s truth and not what the Serpent wants to rub off as artificial truth. 


Ḥawwah’s Blueprint:

What blueprint can we decipher? 


For one we as women were created with intention and to meet specific requirements, yes they might change with time and not all of us are privileged to have the title as ‘wife’ just yet. But nevertheless we are helpers in many aspects of life - not just towards our husbands. We indefinitely have a counterpart and a ‘place’ we fit into in Abba’s Kingdom. Our identity is linked to our Kingdom Purpose and not the mistakes we have made in the past. We should be aware of our flaws and pray for discernment from Abba to ensure we know what is the truth. 


So we conclude the first part of the blog series. I hope you have taken some food for thought out of Ḥawwah’s blueprint. Until next time.




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